Parenting Purposefully

Empowering Parents, Transforming Kids

The Parent Purposefully classes aim to empower parents with Christian faith-based parenting principles and skills to raise respectful and responsible children. Parents learn and practice prevention and intervention strategies in an interactive support group setting, particularly for strong-willed, oppositional, and destructive juvenile behaviors.

Parents are self-referred or can be referred by public/private schools, law enforcement officers, court systems, juvenile probation, mental health services, social welfare agencies, churches, and community support agencies.

While The Parent Project® curriculum is primarily directed to parents experiencing challenging behavior from their pre-teen and teenaged children, the content is fundamental for parents of all-aged children who wish to develop parenting skills to avoid potential future challenges with their child(ren). Twenty-four hours of class (one to two hours of weekly training) training per class series are scheduled throughout the school year.

Children aged thirteen and older can attend class with their parent(s), with prior approval from the facilitator.

A Certificate of Achievement is provided at the end of the class series. Once you register, you can re-attend future classes without cost at any time.

Based on need and circumstance, scholarships are available—email [email protected] for information.

Churches, schools, home school organizations, or other organizations can privately arrange for a class series.

Class curriculum, information, schedules, and class registrations are also available at

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Hosanna Pathways

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“We thought we had tried everything. We were wrong. This program works.”

“It was terrific. I recommend this to everyone.”

“By the Grace of God, I go, and with a little help from The Parent Project!”


“I have learned so much about who I am that I am no longer trying to be like everyone else.”

“What can I say? My grades have drastically improved, and my relationship with my parents has never been better.”


“As a judge, if I could have only one program, I’d take The Parent Project any day!”

Juvenile Justice:

“Can you believe it? We’ve seen a 33% reduction in juvenile crime! Finally, an effective, inexpensive resource for our families.”

“Minors on probation fell more than 30%.”

School Districts:

“Miraculous. . . .we’ve reduced our district’s expulsions from 58 last year to zero.”

“Days you spend in detention fell 24%.”